URL Structure

Development sites

Development sites follow a special URL structure which allows you to easily find and understand on which server you are hosting. This structure is as follows:


An example:


  • example.com is the defined domain for this site
  • dev is the branch this site is deploying
  • zh1.compact is the server this site is running on
  • amazee.io tells you that you are hosted with us! ❤️

Production sites

Production sites are usually called via their defined domain like:


For testing purposes, production sites can also be reached via the same URL structure like development sites:


In the example where the domain of the production site is www.example.com and the branch of the production site is master, the site is also reachable under:


To ensure that this URL is not indexed by search engines, responses from these URLs are appended with a no-index header: (X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow)