Get your Drupal Site running on

Legacy Platform

This documentation is for the legacy platform of If you are setting up a new project, it is likely using Lagoon and has different requirements. Please see the Lagoon Documentation

Running on Mac OS X? We created a fully documented step by step guide on our blog for you.

Site Setup

Step 1: Get Drupal Docker Development Environment

The best and easiest way to get your site running on an server is to first to get it running inside our Drupal Docker Development Environment. The Docker Environment is exactly the same as the servers, so if your site is running inside the Docker Environment, it will also run on the servers.

Step 2: Drupal Docker Container

Choose a Drupal Docker Container for your site, create the docker-compose.yml file for it and start the containers, see Drupal Docker Containers how that works.

You should end up with a Terminal like this:

docker-compose up -d

docker exec -itu drupal bash
🔨 (dev)$

Please make sure that this public_html directory is the same where your Drupal lives in, so where the index.php file is:

ll index.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 501 dialout 549 Apr 26 06:11 index.php

Important for Drupal Composer Project Users: You will not see an index.php file here, instead you will see a web folder (or a similar folder) and a composer.json file. Plus when you run drush later, first change into the directory where the Drupal index.php file is (most probably just via cd web)

Step 3: settings.php and drushrc.php has a unique environment variable system, which will tell your Drupal all about the environment it is in, like where to find the Database and how to connect to it. This has two main advantages:

  1. There are no passwords or usernames saved in settings.php files, so you can safely share your whole Drupal Code, without sharing credentials about your site.
  2. The settings.php is the exact same on your Local Docker, on the development and on the production site.

Following you find a very basic example to configure the connection to the database. Just add that at the bottom of existing settings.php from Drupal.

if(getenv('AMAZEEIO_SITENAME')) {
  $databases['default']['default'] = array(
    'driver' => 'mysql',
    'database' => getenv('AMAZEEIO_SITENAME'),
    'username' => getenv('AMAZEEIO_DB_USERNAME'),
    'password' => getenv('AMAZEEIO_DB_PASSWORD'),
    'host' => getenv('AMAZEEIO_DB_HOST'),
    'port' => getenv('AMAZEEIO_DB_PORT'),
    'prefix' => '',

### Base URL
if (getenv('AMAZEEIO_BASE_URL')) {
  $base_url = getenv('AMAZEEIO_BASE_URL');

We do not suggest to just use this simple configuration for production sites, but for now, it will do. See Drupal Configuration and settings.php and check out the flexibility settings.php files allows.

In order to teach Drush about our environment, create a new file named drushrc.php inside a folder named drush inside the root directory of your Git repository:

if (getenv('AMAZEEIO_BASE_URL')) {
  $options['uri'] = getenv('AMAZEEIO_BASE_URL');

There are more Drush files available, read more in our Drush Configuration Files section about it. For now this is all you need.

Step 4: Test connection to the database

It's time to test! That is done with Drush, it will tell you information about your site:

🔨 (dev)$ drush status

Drupal version         :  8.0.6
Site URI               :
Database driver        :  mysql
Database hostname      :
Database port          :  3306
Database username      :  drupal
Database name          :  drupal
PHP executable         :  /opt/php7.0//php
PHP configuration      :  /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini
PHP OS                 :  Linux
Drush script           :  /opt/drush/8/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php
Drush version          :  8.0.5
Drush temp directory   :  /tmp
Drush configuration    :  /var/www/drupal/public_html/sites/default/drushrc.php
Drush alias files      :  /var/www/drupal/public_html/sites/default/aliases.drushrc.php
Drupal root            :  /var/www/drupal/public_html
Drupal Settings File   :  sites/default/settings.php
Site path              :  sites/default
Sync config path       :  sites/default/config/sync

Your output may look a slightly bit different than this one. Here are the things you should see.

The database connection:

Database hostname      :
Database port          :  3306
Database username      :  drupal
Database name          :  drupal

Step 5: Install Drupal

It's time to install Drupal and test the site in your browser! Again the best and easiest way is with Drush, this time via drush site-install

🔨 (dev)$ drush site-install

You are about to DROP all tables in your 'drupal' database. Do you want to continue? (y/n): y

Starting Drupal installation. This takes a while. Consider using the --notify global option.
sh: 1: /usr/sbin/sendmail: not found
Installation complete.  User name: admin  User password: rWYwHTxCK4
Unable to send email. Contact the site administrator if the problem persists.
Congratulations, you installed Drupal!

That's it! Now visit the URL you defined for you Docker Container in your browser and you should see a fresh installed Drupal Site. In this example, this is

Congratulations! You just created your first Drupal Site!


Add existing database

You may have an existing Drupal database you would like to import into your Docker Container. Of course, we support that.

Step 1: Get a database dump

This step depends on how you currently host. There are many different ways on how to create a database dump. If your current hosting provider has Drush installed, you can use the following:

drush sql-dump --result-file=dump.sql

Database dump saved to dump.sql

Now you have a dump.sql file that contains your whole database.

Step 2: Add dump.sql file to the container

As the Docker Container has automatically access to your whole Drupal code, you can just place the dump inside your Drupal directory:

ll dump.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 501 dialout 3098963 May  1 14:44 dump.sql

Step 3: Import database from dump

Again drush, this time drush sql-cli.

drush sql-cli < dump.sql

You can verify that it worked with:

drush sql-query "show tables;"

... (a lot more here)

That's it! It is a good idea to clear all caches via drush cr for Drupal 8 or drush cc all for Drupal 7.

Add existing files

The Drupal directory is available inside the Docker Container. In order to add your Drupal files, just put them in the directory you had them before, sites/default/files.


Congratulations! You have now a full local Drupal Hosting environment at your fingertips. We wish you happy drupaling.

Btw: Pushing your site to an server is as easy as just a git push.