Drush 9

Unfortunately Drush 9 does not provide the possibility to inject dynamic Site Aliases like Drush 8 did. We are working with the Drush team to implement this again. In the meantime we have a workaround that allows you to use Drush 9 with amazee.io.

Basic Idea

Drush 9 provides a new command drush site:alias-convert which can convert Drush 8 style site aliases over to the Drush 9 yaml site alias style. This will create a one time export of the site aliases currently existing at amazee.io and save them within /app/drush/sites which then are used when running a command like drush sa.


In order to be able to use drush site:alias-convert you need to do the following:

  • rename the aliases.drushrc.php inside the drush folder to amazeeio.aliases.drushrc.php

Generate Site aliases

Now you can run the converting process:

  • drush site:alias-convert

It's a good practice to commit the resulting yaml files into your git repo, so your fellow developers don't need to do the same all the time.

Use Site Aliases

In Drush 9 all site aliases are prefixed with a group, in our case this is amazeeio. You can show all site aliases with their prefix via:

drush sa --format=list

and to use them: drush @amazeeio.master ssh

Update Site Aliases

If a new environment in amazee.io has been created, you can just run drush site:alias-convert to update the site aliases file.